Autumn: More Opportunities for Photographers

Autumn – Further Opportunities for Photographers

Autumn, or as our friends in the US call it, the “Fall”, is now only around the corner. Its a time of year that many photographers (and non-photographers alike) look forward to. For photographers it’s an opportunity to capture landscape images in vibrant rustic and russet colours. Some of the photo opportunities that come to mind with the onset of autumn are:

  • Harvest time activities – If you’re fortunate enough to get out in the countryside, watch out for ‘threshing’ and harvesting type events featuring the methods and machinery of yesteryear. (We all like a little nostalgia!)
    Current harvesting methods also provide good photo material , e.g. the patterns made in the fields by harvest machinery – compose some of your photos using converging lines made by harvesters that run toward the horizon! Also look out of harvest silhouettes against the evening sun.
  • Autumns changing colours – many of us have images featuring the multitude of Fall colours (colors!) in our photo library, but there are thousands more unique images to be captured. Perhaps this is the year to try a time-lapse sequence to document autumn’s transition into winter!
    You don’t have to immerse yourself in vast panoramic landscapes or sprawling forests to capture vibrant, colourful autumnal images; grab your camera and head to your city’s parkland to discover alternative Fall photo ops.
    Don’t only look out and up when documenting autumn’s transition, also look down at the carpet of leaves at your feet, reflections in pools and lakes and patterns created by fallen leaves on the ground and in the water.
  • Evening / night photography – As the evenings shorten, (in the Northern Hemisphere), we tend to feel negatively about the diminishing daylight hours. However, on the positive side the earlier evening sunset means that you can practice low light photography at an earlier hour.
    The photographers’ evening golden hour (that hour before twilight) is a constantly moving target so check a Met website, or a weather app, for the time of sunset and work back from there.

These are just a few suggestions – many others opportunities are available, just head out there and use you imagination (and your camera) to capture your unique images of autumn 2013.

Keep that shutter clicking and most of all enjoy your photography.


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